Energy Loan
Low-interest loans to non-profit and for-profit small businesses that support a strong, stable and growing future for Baltimore are NOW AVAILABLE. As part of this program, eligible organizations will also receive a free upfront energy audit.
The Baltimore City Energy Loan Program is designed especially for Churches of all denominations, day care centers, and non-profit organizations located in Baltimore. These low-interest loans make is easier than ever for your church or organization to afford cost-effective heating system or air conditioning upgrades that will save you 40–60% of your energy costs, and with a low interest rate, your savings will more than pay for your improvements.
Experience shows that building owners can make cost-effective energy improvements that will increase comfort, lower utility bills and benefit the environment. The mission of this initiative is to help building owners understand, finance and implement a range of energy measures to reduce energy waste in their buildings.
Eligible Borrowers:
- Non-profit organizations which provide at least 50% of their services to low-income persons.
- For-profit small businesses that own or have long-term lease on their space that are located in either: a) New Markets Tax Credit census tract or b) a Baltimore Main Streets District.
- Non-profit or for-profit real estate developers of properties and projects that are located in either a) New Markets Tax Credit census tract or b) a Baltimore Main Streets District AND: 1) provide new neighborhoods amenities; 2) remove blight; or 3) provide 50% of their housing to low-income persons.
Eligible Projects:
- Energy retrofits including limited retrofits, replacement of energy equipment, or whole building energy retrofits.
- Energy measures in the gut rehab of an existing building; or
- Energy measures in new construction that significantly increase the energy performance of the building.
- Projects must show at least a 10–15% energy savings.
Loan funds must be used to pay for eligible building energy measures, which include:
- Building insulation and air sealing
- White roofs
- Windows and exterior doors
- Lighting
- Plumbing
- ENERGY STAR-rated appliances
- ENERGY STAR-rated equipment
- Solar hot water and Solar PV
- Combined Heat-and-Power Systems
Eligibility is easy, and A.J. Michaels will guide you through the program and help you secure the needed financing that, in the past, was impossible to obtain for these important projects. In Baltimore call 410.435.5400, in Annapolis call 410.573.5858 or fill out the form on the right for a free estimate on a new system or to request service for your heating, air conditioning, plumbing and home performance needs.